Sunday, March 14, 2010

chubby chub chub.

Chubbby chub chub.
Was reluctant to get up of my bed this morning. Urghhh~ But still forced myself to wake up fr the sake of money money moneyyyy! Prepared myself & headed to work. I had a hard time waiting fr cabs this morning! Damn it, wonder where all the cabs disappeared to, during 12pm noon! When the sun is scorching hot lahhhh! Celestia, Charlene, Amber, Jessie & Jasmine came over while waiting fr Joeann fr their lunch. Jolene also came down aft getting her iphone. Helped her stored whatsapp, thanks lioky fr her account :-) Aft tt, they all left. Xiaobee came down as he was meeting wen for early dinner.

Waited fr the clock to struck 5pm & i headed off to pack food fr dearest. Mcspicy fr both of us :-) Cabbed back to dearest's place & he came dwn to fetch me. Hehehe. I purposely call him to come dwn. :-P Aft eating, i immediately KO till 8pm+ Peipei brought darius home! But too bad darius is sleeping :-( Didn't hav the chance to play with him. Supposed to help peipei babysit Darius until her mum comes back, but dno why dearest have a sudden change of decision :-( Sad! Cabbed to Yewtee point from his place, dined @ Xingwang Hongkong cafe. I didn't hav much appetite. Thus, i didn't enjoyed myself. The thought of tomorrow, sucks! It's a new week again.. I should feel happy to start a new week, but every monday is the day when i hav to work full shift alone. So, ya ya! I hate it. Urghhhh. No choice. :-(

Gonna turn in early tonight, i need plenty of rest. I don't want sickness to start acting up again! Woooz. Last but not least, hope Jolene ohohohoh is doing well with her new iphone. Hehehe. I'm gng to play whatsapp with Aloy agn. He's sucha nooooooobie :P


Jolene baby.

Obviously, this is fr YOU!

Snap snap.

That should be all. Goodnight readers :D
- took frm reeae's facebook.

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