Monday, August 15, 2011

A woman's heart is an ocean of secrets.

Here to bring you guys some overdue pictures taken on Baby Darius's 2nd birthday! :) Met up with Sohboon, Whywhy and Elaine at Yishun for Darius's birthday. Afterwards, back to granny's place, waited for Jgws to cook for me, knocked out for 7 hours straight, on the sofa. Didn't even realized that youngersis, raynard, cousin daryil, hasnie and Jgws went for badminton during midnight leaving me alone sleeping in the living room. Omg! Woke up at 5am+ Woke Jgws up to have breakfast with me at Yewtee's Mac. Back to his place afterwhich, knocked out for 14hours straight. The sky already turned gray when we're up! Lol. His mom prepared beef steak for our dinner, 12am mid Jgws sent me back home. Finally after 11 days, I'm back to play with my naughty lil baby! :) Am currently planning a short getaway with mommy! Hopefully it turns out as expected.

As for today, I woke up at 5pm to find my baught lil baby beside me on bed biting tissues. Prepared myself while waiting for Jgws to come over to fetch me. Had dinner at home together, met up with Eewin and Eldersis @ Lot1 for gongcha. I swear I regretted going to lot1 to buy gongcha. The queue was super long! Prima deli's nutella waffle, Pets Lover Centre to get baby's snacks. Jgws bought a new snack for baby as well :P Rushed back to his place for "On the fringe" I'm crazy over Edwin and Yida. Hahaha!

Jgws and i.

Happy birthday Darius!

Pepper beef steak.

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