Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The most painful thing in life is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too.

I did the craziest thing ever, today! Lol.. Anyway, I really have nothing much to update about. Work, sleep, work & sleep. Haven't been eating proper meals for quite some time & yes, I'm single now.. Anyway, so as you know, my tickets are confirmed for bkk, I'll bring back many many pictures okay :) Alicia will be lending me her camera as mine have already lost :( Sigh!! Let me share some quotes now alright?

One thing I will never understand abt guy is how a guy can make you feel perfect one minute, but once he's gone, he forgets you exist

I hate it when you talk to someone every single day and then it just stops. All of a sudden neither of you say a word to each other.

There were things I wanted to tell him. But I knew they would hurt him. So I buried them, and let them hurt me.

Its amazing how two ppl can start so close and end up so far

Be careful who you open up to. Only a few people actually care. The rest are just nosy

I smile like nothing is wrong, it's called putting shit aside and acting strong

1 comment:

  1. i really like this post of yours.currently facing the same problem as you but you are much stronger than i am. gambatte
