Okay, I know my blog's rotting. Apparantly wasting every single day at home doing nothing. Credits goes to my stupid body system that fucked me upside down. As you can see, the time now is 7:15am. What? Going to school meh? So early awake for what? Argh. When everyone's asleep, I'm wide awake & when everyone's awake, I'm sleeping soundly. Can meh like that? Zzz. (-.-") Realized some people are damn "boliao" nowadays uh? Nothing better to do or what? Lol! Claim yourself a "grown-up" some more. How about a nice cup of shut the fuck up? & Please don't thank me for insulting you, cze it's my damn pleasure :) The next time round before pointing on others, make sure your fingers are clean.
Don't wanna dirty my blog writing abt dirty people.
My short-temper is getting from bad to worse recently. Even when i'm talking on the phone, I can be easily pissed by something/small things that wouldn't affect me much in the past. Alright, fuck off to bed now! Good morning to those who've just woke up, & Good night to those who're turning in..
After all the but's & what if's, explanations and make ups, sometimes all you wanna do is say: "Damn I'm fed up, c'mon let's get drunk!"
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