Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Exposing the vulnerable sides of others wouldn't make you any stronger

the time shows 10mins past 2am right now and since im still wide awake i shall do a short post here.. haven't been expressing my inner thoughts for a long time i almost forgot how to or even whom i should spill it out to. met too many two-faced bitch, faced too many dramas that causes me to build up a wall and pause for awhile whenever i decided to throw out all the frustrations in me. it is nice to have an opposite sex best friend who understands you. they don't have to see you everyday, week or even month.. but still, they're almost 24-7 there and it's true most men makes a better friend than women. at least, they don't create drama out of nothing. i should say I'm blessed to have a number of them despite of the many female friends I keep. 

even so, i still do appreciate v much what my lovely ladies can do or is always doing for me. i'm that kind of lousy friend whom you wouldn't heard from for months unless you initiate looking me up or texting. that doesn't mean i don't cherish my friendships ya?

also i would like to take this chance to thank every single one of y'all whom email me no matter how frequent or not i update my blog. you guys know who you are i might not really know who you are but i see and feel all the concerns showed. haha cos it's really hard to find someone who accepts me for who i am yet still loves every bit of me. i know my lousy temper but either ways, thank all for still loving me :p 

don't worry I'll keep this site alive :) 

not gonna forget how my man sacrifices and give me his everything. he might have made a mistake but as long as he repent, everyone deserves a second chance i believe. it is those who don't repent, those who hold grudges and plot revenge that made hatreds grew with them that we should keep a distance to. and sometimes u can clearly see how each of them hurt their loved ones with each lies no matter towards their friends or partners. then it made me wonder, do they really love or is making use of their partners to pass time since there are zero commitments. sigh! well, don't take love to seriously too, you might end up being the one getting hurt. YOLO! live life to the fullest people. Muahz

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