Thursday, August 27, 2009

Took for granted.

Took for granted.
I've got so many things in my mind to do. I want to change the colours of my nails again. Leopard prints are fading away. White musk is running out too, I should quickly refill it too. It've been so damn long since I went shopping.. Life sucks ok. I want to work badly, life without working seems so meaningless. I meant, really meaningless :-(

For today, I woke up early as Boyf wanted to eat the century egg porridge from the coffeeshop below my blk. Packed dimsum to his place. After he finished eating, we headed to Yewtee point for my breakfast :-) Long John's Turkey Bacon again. I never get sick of it, I swear! After eating, went to buy groceries, fresh milk. How pathetic, I'm penniless. Lol.

Afterwards, back to his place. KO till 3pm when Velle sis kept on texting & calling me. Prepared myself, headed to papa y's place as we agreed on a majong session with Simon. 2 poks, I didn't win this time. Eewin came over too, to find me :-) Hehehe. I love her lar. Boyf went off & came back again, we headed to Sunshine place for dinner. I had mee soto, but it nearly burnt & tear off my lips. All thanks to me, kay kiang ask the auntie to add more chilli. Hai.

Slowly took bus to lot1. It's been ages since I last took bus! I suddenly realised that I actually suffered from bus-sickness. Hahaha! It nearly kills me, same goes to Velle sis. Eewin was lucky, she's always the strongest among us. Eeeks! Cabbed back to Boyf's place. Rest for awhile, Boyf sent me home :-)

What should we do to keep the love going?

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