Alright, here;s my deepest apology for neglecting this little space of mine. Life's pretty good these days I'm only working from 1pm to 6pm every weekdays & after that, self claim happy hour almost everyday :) Feels like everyday's weekend to me. Muahaha!
An overdue pic with Elaine and eldersis taken @ Galaxy.
Camwhored as usual.
And yes, It's my real lash.
My soya girls
Forgotton which day it was, but I went to Yewkeng with Joanna & youngersis. John kor, Raynard, elson and Daotong were there too. After yewkeng, as usual it was boozing time!
A day at playhouse.
Sohboon, Sharin, Me, Shir and Jolene.
Joslyn, one of the best pic taken that day.
Lastly, presenting my dearest girl, jay oh lene.